Below are some answers to our most frequently asked questions about working with Finger Lakes Radio.

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Questions Most Often Asked:
(Click on a question to hop to the answer below.)

Should I advertise?

There are only three ways to increase business: acquire new customers, get customers to come back more often or get customers to spend more money each time they come back to your business. Consider increased competition, especially online. Now it’s more important than ever to advertise! The Finger Lakes Radio Group can help you “bond” with potential and existing customers to help you grow your business. Bonding is an emotional appeal that online and social media can’t do. Unless you have a product no one can duplicate advertising is a must.

Is radio right for me?

If people who listen to radio do business with you, then radio is an option to explore… and 93% of us listen to radio every week*. (*Radio Advertising Bureau)

-Radio can expand your market reach
-Target your best prospects
-Generate sufficient message frequency
-Reach mobile consumers
-Motivate people to shop
-Bond with customers
-Break through competitive clutter
-Make a lasting impression
-Maximize advertising investment

If radio were invented today it would be all the marketing rage. Why? Because we live in an on-the-go society, and unlike newspaper or television, radio is with us everywhere… in the car, in the office, and in the house. Radio’s mobility, intrusiveness and target ability makes it a cost-effective marketing platform for nearly any type of business. We stream all our stations so listeners can get our programming on any device!

How do I get started?

Research this web site to answer your basic questions. Then, contact us so we can perform a custom marketing analysis for you. After answering a series of questions and telling us what you want to accomplish, we will provide you with a custom marketing plan and demo commercial. We will also educate you on how mass media like radio goes hand-in-hand with internet advertising and social media.

How much does advertising cost?

That depends how much of an impact you want to make and how much competition you have. Though you can purchase an occasional special package for a few hundred dollars, our most effective advertisers pick a station and invest $500 to $5,000 per month. Finding the budget you’re comfortable with while providing a sufficient Return On Investment can be developed through a marketing analysis. There is a direct relationship between advertising consistency and advertising results.

What are the most frequent mistakes advertisers make?

Not filling up one cup before moving to the next. Many business owners think they need to do a little of everything instead of doing one thing well. It’s been said, “I throw my advertising dollars against the wall and hope some of it sticks.” Almost any business can get all the customers they need by simply attacking and owning a radio stations audience.

Quitting before the advertising can work. Advertising is like trying to get in shape. The beginning is the hardest part and the benefits truly begin when you think you’ve given your all. In order to get your desired body shape when working out, you must earn it by sticking to your plan. Successful advertising is no different.

Expecting media with no ability to convey emotion to help build a bond with potential customers. It’s hard to build a brand with just a website or Facebook page.

I want to build my business, what do you suggest?

Be honest with your expectations and investment you’re willing to make. Then call us to do an in-person marketing analysis interview. We’ll ask you questions that will help us determine your unique competitive advantage and suggest an expenditure level that helps you reach your growth goals.

What’s the best way to advertise?

Unless you’re having a special event, continuous advertising yields the greatest long-term benefits. Not everyone needs your products or services today, so advertising for a month is a crapshoot. Reminding a large group of consumers who are most likely to do business with you about your unique selling position over and over is most beneficial. When any of our listeners need your product, our goal is to have your business in their top-of-mind recall. Think about local and national brands you can recall easily. You’ll notice there is a direct relationship between consistency and top-of-mind awareness. Think HUGE!

How long does it take for advertising to begin working?

This depends on what you are selling and the offer you’re making. Tell people to visit you for a free $100.00 bill, and you’ll have a traffic jam outside your business. Otherwise advertising is similar to pushing a car, it’s tough at first, but the more you push, the easier it gets. Soon enough you can move the car along with minimum effort. We tell our large custom marketing plan clients, “In three months you’ll hate me, in six months you’ll talk to me and in ten months you’ll be inviting me to your house for dinner.” Stick with your plan and you’ll be provided a healthy return on investment.

What is TOMA?

TOMA (top-of-mind awareness) advertising yields great long-term benefits. Not everyone needs your products or services today, so advertising for a month is a crapshoot. Reminding a large group of consumers, who are most likely to do business with you, about your unique selling position over and over is most beneficial.

Which station is best for me?

Ask yourself, “What is the profile of the person most likely to do business with you?” Be specific. Now, match up that consumer by reviewing individual stations. Once you’ve discovered the right stations/audiences that are most likely to do business with you, contact us for a complete marketing analysis.

Who makes my commercial?

We can produce your commercial, or we can suggest an outside production house.

Production is included for all our advertisers.

Our mission is to create top quality advertising that works for our client’s custom marketing plan. How?
• By listening to the client to find out what their true needs and goals are.
• Spending the time required to develop the right message to serve the client’s needs.
• Crafting creative ads that will make an impression in the mind of the listener.
• Employing the highest quality voice talent and producers to turn words on paper into magic!

Our company is very aware that better tools make a better product. The Finger Lakes Radio Group uses only state-of-the-art production facilities that rival most national agencies. We currently have three fully digital production suites that would be as easily suited to mixing an album as producing radio commercials. Is this overkill? We don’t think so. We believe our clients deserve the best that we can give them, and it shows in our work.

What should I say in my commercial?

Ask yourself, “Why should someone do business with me?” Be specific. “What truly makes me a better choice than my competitors?” “What makes us special?” “What is our Unique Selling Proposition?” Take a look at your strengths versus your competitor’s weaknesses that can result in taking business from them. Our goal is to grow your business by getting you your unfair share of the market’s dollars from your competition. A completed marketing analysis can help us fine-tune your message to the right audience(s). It’s important to “cut through the clutter” of the thousands of messages people see and hear each day. We try to use words and mental images that cut through it all.

How much is commercial production?

At the Finger Lakes Radio Group, both writing your ad and producing it is included.

How can I guarantee success?

After ensuring your business is in fine operating order, stick to a well-constructed advertising THEME month after month. If you deliver your message consistently to the right people, your advertising will yield rewarding results.

I’m a small business with a small budget – can I still advertise effectively?

The bare minimum recommended spending is $500.00 per month based upon some specific goals and limitations. That would perhaps get you one newspaper ad, but we can fit you to a station, time of the week or month that can be very cost effective and get you the frequency you need to get results. Contact us so we can suggest a plan of attack…

Do you have sales or specials?

You betcha!

I’m a retailer, what’s best for me?

Do you live and die by sales events or do you want more consistency for your business? Sales event advertising can drive customers, but it’s the “caffeine of marketing.” The more sales you have, the more advertising you need. However, if you want a steady, non-fickle customer base, we recommend the safer more consistent approach.

I’m NOT a retailer, what’s best for me?

Consistency, consistency, consistency! Whether you’re a doctor, lawyer or carpet cleaner, a well-developed commercial stating your unique selling proposition will keep you in the consumers mind when the day comes they need your services.

I’m having an event, how should I advertise?

Heavy. We recommend 15 to 20 commercials a day for a minimum of three days prior to an event or major sale.

What about television and cable advertising?

In the Finger Lakes, only 52% of homes have cable. So you’re trying to advertise your business with one hand tied behind your back. Every time you see a satellite dish on someone’s house they don’t have cable and aren’t getting local commercials on networks like ESPN, CNN, or USA. Forget broadcast television. In the Finger Lakes, you’d have to buy three markets to get the reach of radio. Plus have you ever produced a really good TV ad? Ouch! They’re expensive!

What about newspaper advertising?

We’re not crazy about it and rarely use it ourselves. Some advertisers use newspaper because it’s easy to write ad copy. But, circulation is down, ad space prices are unreasonably high, and noting scores are less than impressive. Newspaper was great twenty years ago when we had time to sit and read it everyday but we’re too “on the go” now. Newspaper can’t target your customers so there’s too much wasted marketing dollars. Plus, you never know where your ad will be placed or whose ad you’ll be next to.

What about yellow pages?

One word: Google.

What about Internet banner advertising?

Ten years ago as more and more people were turning to the web for news and local information, we created FingerLakesDailyNews.com. With over 90,000 users per MONTH, our site is the online newspaper for the Finger Lakes. We can combine effective radio advertising with this incredibly popular site.

What about billboards?

They’re a great way to say, “Turn here,” or “next exit.” However, telling the story of your business’s benefits in just a few words and a picture is difficult. If you can’t afford at least eight “100 showings” a year (approximately 5-10K each for four weeks), we don’t recommend them.

A high-profile billboard can add a splash if you have the budget and are already effectively TELLING your story on radio or television.

What about other radio stations?

We’re big radio fans because of its target ability. If there’s an audience that we can’t provide you, let us know. We’ll provide any contact information you need.

Should I hire an advertising agency?

If your budget is sufficient to develop a complete multi-media approach with extensive creative, there are some talented advertising agencies to choose from. We can suggest some great agencies if you have the budget.

Should I have a jingle?

If you intend on using electronic media (radio, cable, TV), a jingle can really tie it all together. Think of all the jingles you can remember, even from years ago. We can help you get a great jingle affordably.

What’s a positioning statement?

All major companies use positioning statements. It’s a necessity. Can you identify “I’m Lovin’ It” or “We’ll Keep the Light on For you”? The positioning statement lets you know exactly what this business is about! You can use your positioning statement in all your advertising (radio, print, TV). Just try to keep it 3-5 words and be sure it hits on your unique selling proposition.

What is image advertising?

When you advertise image, you’re establishing “mind share” as opposed to market share, and avoiding the “I’ve got to have a sale” syndrome. Establishing your unique selling proposition with clarity, creativity and consistency is at the heart of image advertising.

What is branding?

Establishing in the consumers mind your unique selling proposition. It helps prospects understand why they should do business with you rather than your competitors.

What is bonding?

Establishing a preference in the consumers mind to your unique selling proposition. It helps prospects feel good about your business and create desire to use your business rather than that of your competitor.

How does a buying cycle affect my business?

We all have needs that create buying cycles. As a business owner, you want the consumer to think of you when they need your goods or services. A specific listener may not need an attorney, dishwasher, new sidewalk, or retirement plan today. But, what about those who need these items next month…or next year? Create your business as a point-of-destination in the mind of the consumer. When they have forgotten about your competitor’s ad minutes after they pass over it in print, you’ll be there to TELL them your story, with consistency, day after day. That’s how you create top-of-mind-awareness and that’s how to fight through a consumers buying cycle. They won’t need to Google your category of business. Your name will immediately come to mind.

Should I do a remote broadcast at my business?

Remotes are great for grabbing attention for a major event or sale. Our radio stations provide talent, engineering and great visibility if you think a remote is right for you. In most cases, weekend remotes are booked a month, or more, in advance. So contact us to check on available dates and times.

What are ratings?

Nielsen Audio is an information source for estimating “quantitative” listening patterns (audience sizes). In the Finger Lakes they do small surveys primarily for the national radio networks. Due to sample size the ratings in the Finger Lakes counties are unreliable. We have estimated our audience size through data available from the Radio Advertising Bureau and the U.S. Census.

What is reach and frequency?

An advertising term that calculates how many people you’ll touch with your commercial (reach) and how often they’ll hear that message (frequency). Research shows if you can reach two-thirds of a radio stations audience 3.5 times each; your ad will break through and be heard. Contact us with the station you’re interested in, and we’ll provide you the number of ads needed to achieve exceptional reach and frequency.

How and who do I contact for more advertising information?

Start with our Vice President and GM, Frank Lischak. Frank has worked in Syracuse, Rochester, Ithaca, Watertown and has been with the Finger Lakes Radio Group for over ten years. He knows the market! He will ask a few questions and put you in contact with an account manager best suited to meet your expectations. Call 315-781-7000 or email flischak@flradiogroup.com.

What’s a “Custom Marketing Analysis?”

This is the worksheet used to discover your needs and find out if we can help you achieve your marketing goals. An account manager can meet with you one-on-one for a free, no obligation marketing analysis.

What’s a “Custom Marketing Plan?”

This is our marketing recap we provide after you’ve completed a marketing analysis. Custom Marketing Plans are free and provide our recommendations on how to best achieve advertising success based exclusively on your goals and needs.

Tell me about your radio stations?

Click here for our on-line brochures and click here for more station information.

Tell me about your programs?

Click here for our on-line brochures and click here for more program information.

What’s a radio demographic?

It’s a group or cell of the population who listens to one or more of our stations. Our goal is to match your targeted demographic (target prospects/customers) to one or more of our matching stations.

What are your payment terms/credit policies?

We accept cash, check and all major credit cards. We are also pleased to extend net 30-day payment terms with approved credit.

Do I have to sign a contract?

Signing off on your approval to run an advertising campaign is standard procedure. It protects you with a low rate guarantee and provides written permission and consent for us to promote your business.

I tried radio once and it didn’t work, why would it work this time?

Because we go through a regimented process including a marketing analysis, custom marketing plan and creative demo commercial. This process puts all the odds for success in your favor. Our account managers are trained not to be good salespeople, but intelligent marketers. Suggesting a campaign that does not work is as unacceptable to us as it is to you.

What is the procedure if I want to meet with one of your account managers?

Start with our Vice President and GM, Frank Lischak. Frank has worked in Syracuse, Rochester, Ithaca, Watertown and has been with the Finger Lakes Radio Group for over ten years. He knows the market! He will ask a few questions and put you in contact with an account manager best suited to meet your expectations. Call 315-781-7000 or email flischak@flradiogroup.com.

What is co-op advertising?

It’s advertising paid partially by you and partially by one of your vendors. For instance, you may carry a new widget from Acme Company. Acme would pay up to 50% or more of your advertising bill for sharing time in your ads. Contact your vendors and ask if you have co-op dollars available.

Do you have any success stories?

We do. Click here to see some testimonials from raving fans!

I don’t have a large budget, what do you suggest?

First, complete a custom marketing analysis or meet with one of our account managers. We can then suggest if you should buy the occasional special would be best for you, or if you can afford to invest in a small single station name awareness marketing plan.

What is drive time?

Morning drive is 6am to 10am, and afternoon drive is 3pm to 7pm. The other primary radio “day parts” are mid-day, 10am – 3pm and evenings 7pm to midnight. Though drive-time rates are available, the most cost-effective rates are ROS (Run Of Station plan); where your commercial is heard equally in all four primary day parts, including drive times.

Should I advertise during nights and weekends?

It’s not cost effective to “anchor” your commercials in drive time only. When our clients buy “ROS”, their commercials run equally in all day parts, including drive times.
Attacking a night and weekend audience is a great way to stretch a small advertising budget. Think we’re kidding? Think of the hundreds of possible customers you could easily influence who work night and weekend shifts at hospitals and plants in our area and the hundreds who are running errands on the weekends. For just a small percentage of the number of people listening on the weekend drive through the parking lots of the area and imagine all those car radios turned on. Plus, there’s less advertising in the evening and weekends, which means your commercial will be noticed even more than usual.
Nielsen Ratings indicate that during TV’s Prime Time, nearly a third of all Americans are listening to the Radio.

Is there a charge for an account manager to meet me for a marketing analysis?


What is a “Unique Selling Proposition”?

These are the primary reasons why you are truly a better choice to the consumer than your competition.

What is Fingerlakesdailynews.com?

It is the Finger Lakes free online newspaper. Over ten years ago, with newspaper readership declining and more and more people getting news from the internet, we created this site as a source of free news and information. Most newspapers have similar sites but they charge for access, limiting users. We don’t limit users and we have have over 90,000 per month! (Compare that to newspaper circulation!). It features local news, weather, sports, forums, etc. Advertising on Fingerlakesdailynews.com can help you with a complete marketing plan.

What is FLXDigital?

We have done thousands of custom market analyses over the last few years and have found many local businesses need help with internet, digital and social media. So, we created a division to help create websites, develop Facebook pages and make sure you are found on Google and other search engines. If you need help contact a local company you can trust, us!